Category: personal

  • Baby’s First Scope

    Much as I’d love to have a proper oscilloscope I’m wise enough to know that spending a couple of hundred quid on a cheapo version is probably a bad idea. This is a tool that warrants some significant investment. Or alternatively pretty much none. I’ve just bought and built a little Jyetech DSO138 kit oscilloscope…

  • Hacking Lego Motors

    Lego Technic Power Function motors are nice and easy to hack for robotics projects – in large part because they come with a built-in gearbox so you get nice amounts of torque at low speeds right out of the box. Here’s a quick breakdown of what you need to know. The tl;dr is that you…

  • Test LEDs

    Here’s a nice little idea I saw somewhere a while ago and have just got round to making. It’s just an LED in series with a 470Ω resistor connected to a pair of 0.1″ pitch posts. Whenever you need to quickly check a signal on a breadboard you can just plug one of these babies…